Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hasta La Vista, Baby

So long Year of the Rat, we'll see you in 12.
No offense to my beloved rats, Roan and her dad, but this year was a pretty rough one and I'm ready to mooo-ve on to the Year of the Ox.

Time really does fly when you have kids or in my case, kid. I was watching the new shows with complete fascination when they had the story about the lady who gave birth to Octuplets. And I thought, wow, crazy! I can't imagine how they will manage since one, Ms. Roan, has completely kept me hopping between the formula and diaper runs, to feeding her her first solids, to the middle of the night wails to now being able to scuttling along on her back with her little flipper legs. There are days I think she can propel herself quicker than we bipeds who can walk upright. I put her down on her bed and within a nanosecond, she has crashed her big head against the bumpers. Thank you, Uncle Richard and Aunty Shirley, for the extra cushy Pottery Barn crib guards. The cheap ones I bought at IKEA would have resulted in her having some nice divets on the top of her skull.

Back to time flying and the light speed metamorphosis of Roan, we can't believe it is practically February, and we are definitely well into the new year. There have been no posts since October because I took my friend, Miriam's advice, and stopped pressuring myself to write this blog, as I had plenty of other stuff to attend to, some wonderful (like delightful visits from our families from the UK- Aunty Morag, Uncle Sam, Cousins Mey, Beinn, and Ella and the flying grandma, Grandma Brown (2 months fresh from her 28 day journey across the Pacific via Alaska, Vladistock, Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong Her wings were still warm!)

Uncle Sam, Aunty Morag, Mey the Tall, Beinn aka Li Po, Ella aka Sesame Chicken
(the latter 2 have been nicknamed those because of what they ordered for dinner one night,
we were pleased over Beinn's adventurous selection...)

Beinn, Morag, Mey feeding Roan aka Milkmeister, Ella

Aunty Morag and Uncle Sam with Chubola

Daddy with a land-bound Grandma Brown with Roan at Juniper Valley Park

Grandma Brown with Roan just about to settle into a cozy dinner.

Slews of birthdays which spanned October till January-yours, truly, Ying, Janet, Goober, Dad and Grampy, Roan's first Halloween, Voted in the historic elections, the Thanksgiving holidays, the Christmas holiday, the tree trimming, the tree untrimming, the birthday decorations up, the blowing up of balloons and birthday decoration down, watched the historic inauguration ....ya'll know the drill) and some less fun (like loads of drs visits for mom, runs to BJs to buy baby/household provisions) cleaning the house and attending to the extensive grounds....ok, not the 2 strips of lawn out front and 5' semi circular planting does take work, going back to work and then subsequently being laid off a mere 3 days later, learning to file unemployment, updating one's resume, trying to think of how to get a job in this god awful economy, meeting w/ my outplacement"counselor"- I feel like Dexter and how he had to have a "buddy" when he was going through his fake drug addiction, I have to meet w/ Colette and work with her about "launching" the new me and not a makeover in sight.... so all and all...I need to eat my Wheaties but have decided on Nick Malgieri's low fat banana bread with full fat chocolate chips. No wonder I am fortified enough to write this blog.)

Well, so that brings us up to date as to why it's been only 3 months since my last post, at this rate, Roan will have all of 90 blog entries between her birth and when she flies off to college.
Sort of not acceptable, because she is such a fun little gal, I need to document her progress...I am at awe over this baby business. Still. 7 months in and she has not ceased to fascinate me...

I can't believe she actually does meet those little critical developmental stages as outlined by those baby books (not that that makes Roan an exceptional or normal child, she just is a human being, wow). Like, when I was a kid, and watched the xray film of a person eating and drinking and you can see the food getting chewed, to it going down the throat, to going into the stomach, and I thought, neh, my body doesn't do that. Striving to maintain our own sense of individuality and not be part of the biological hoarde.

Since I wrote in October, her big milestones/realizations are (in no particular order and some documented and some not...sadly):

-She can pretty much sit up on her own (but when she leans over to one side, it's TIMBER!!!! and I have to pick her back up).

-She can play happily on her own. Some mornings we hear her babbling away to herself and BFFs, Pinky or Millie...and admiring herself in the mirror.

-She can actually turn over now, she lies oh so casually on her side, like those 1940's pinup gals and then flops over on either her back or stomach (eeewww..tummy time, the much detested tummy time)and then is immobile for a good long time until she realizes she can turn herself around. Talk about the look of empowerment on her face.

-She is like Isaac Newton and wants to test whether gravity is a constant or a variable, by always dropping her bleating moo cow or her binky or Frankie the firefly on the floor. Grampy is always freaking out when she does bec. then she promptly puts the toys back in her mouth and he is muttering, the salt (from the it is winter out, the cats- fur and litter tracking paws....etc. etc.). So now, I tie everything she plays with to her highchair as a safety feature. Although The Times noted that perhaps alittle dirt only builds up the immune system. In which case, Roan, should be the Hercules of the Immunity Community.

-That she makes a very cute pumpkin. Thank you, Aunty Angela, for that cute outfit.

-That sleeping in, is a very good thing.

That tummy time isn't too bad as it results in killer biceps.

That with killer biceps, she looks good in tropical prints.
Thank you, Mrs. Won, for that cute number.

-She's put on her first skirt ever on Christmas and then second one ever on Chinese New Year's.
And she likes wearing tights, wierdly enough, even as it is worn over bunchy diapers that are sometimes clean and sometimes, well...... Perhaps a whalebone corset is in her future?
And that she looks good in Santa hats....

Better than a Santa hat, she looks damn good in a tiara.

And that no one looks good in passport photos.

-She's learned pearls make her look old.

And that you are never too young to exercise your civic responsibility,
as mommy held her little hand as we pulled the lever for PRESIDENT Obama!!

That once you've exercised your right to vote, you should work out
your chubby legs in a good hour of bouncy seat mania.

And that no one likes a sweaty smelly baby, and that baths, as
traumatic as they are, must be taken.

Well, when you are 7 months, those are about all the accomplishments/realizations one can be proud of. As fun as she was at 3 months, nothing beats how she can totally recognize people these days and is so happy to give you the most beautiful smile first thing in the morning. I think Grampy needs to go to BabySmiles Anonymous these days. He is perfectly addicted to her smiles as am I, and her dad, Aunty J and Grandma.

Okay, a big one for the road.

And an understated one to leave you yearning for more!

And with that, I sign off and wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!!