Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bright Lights, Big City

A beautiful Sunday (last day of summer to be exact), and we took Tiny into the city for some fun for a change and not because she needed to get her monthly checkup with Dr. Smith (a/k/a: Dr. Cruelty, the shotmeister who thinks by slapping on some Hello Kitty bandaids on her chubby thighs, that all the pain from the required shots would be ears are still ringing from the wails from the last visit). We cruised down Madison Ave., and checked out the overpriced shops for kids -um, well, duh.....there were onesies being sold for $40, ate a few very tiny cupcakey muffins, oogled at the fancy chocolate shops that sold chocolate bars flecked with bacon (had those, and they are sublime) and walked past gaggles of cops on patrol for the "Fifth Ave. Mile" race.

We met up with Aunty J, Mr. and Mrs. L, for a stroll in the ever crowded Central Park- complete with a million tourists, a man who was practically a symphony by himself, toy boat races, fat sparrows, kids clammering all over the Alice in the Wonderland statue, bikers, runners, babies in strollers, old people in wheelchairs, babies in strollers lined up with nannies gossiping..... such a change for Tiny from her usual morning walk w/ Grandma and Grandpa around our quiet little neighborhood park with an occassional dogwalker, strolling retirees and the one man who does little disco dance routine up and down the park steps in very short shorts with his walkman in hand. With Donna Summer on cassette, no doubt.

As we took Tiny to the Boat Pond, it occurred to us, this was her first big trip to Central Park, at all of 3 months plus 2 days. We thought her eyes would bug out of her head, but she seemed pretty blase over the whole thing, and as far as she is concerned, one park is the same as any other park. Trees, sky, clouds, birds, squirrels. She's sort of right. Just much more expensive real estate.

Enough of the fresh air and our tummies grumbling, we went to Cafe Boulud for alittle brunch. It was lovely (we enjoyed it even more so because since Tiny made an appearance, we dared not eat out in public for fear of any tantrums). We had an outdoor table and were very entertained by all the other diners (alot of very well coiffed and perfumed people- at one point, I had a hard time eating, since all I smelled was perfume). Tiny sat in her carriage and checked out the menu.

As much as she wanted to partake, she opted for her "usual".
Similac Advanced Formula....served by mommy. But don't think she wasn't eyeing the bread basket, which would had gone perfectly had she had teeth.

We had such a nice brunch, and even saw Barbara Walters saunter by, looking younger than I thought she would look. She stared straight ahead and walked like those models practising good posture. We could have stacked a heap of phone books on her head and they would have stayed perfectly balanced. Mrs. L told us at the last elections, they were on this ridiculously long line to cast their vote, and who comes strolling up to the lady manning the booths and asked. "Do you know who I am?" The woman said, "Yes." and BarbaraWawa proceded to tell her how busy she was and how she needed to be let to the front of the line. And she was. Unreal.

After our bellies were filled, we strolled back up Madison Ave., and this time the urge to shop for Tiny was weakened (our minds had probably gone soft from all the food) and Aunty J scored some very cute little outfits for The Bean, and even her cheap mommy got in on the act and bought a few pairs of socks and alittle white double breasted nautical jacket for her nibs (on sale, of course). And in one of the shops, who did we see, but Katie Couric who looked right at us with the "do you recognize me?" look and I hope you won't pester me for an autograph and of course we knew who she was, but being the NYers that we were, we ignored her. Maybe that's why celebs love living in NY, they know they would be ignored. But I did promptly jabber in Cantonese to my sis, that's the reporter from Channel 2.

Not a bad outing for The Bean at 3 months and 2 days. I'm going to start hanging out with her more often, she was like a celebrity magnet. Needless to say, she slept well that night when she got home.



Callipygia said...

Judy looks like a great time was had by all, who knows maybe next time she'll be able to manifest a DD-L or G Clooney sighting! Enjoy the light and weather while you can-

judyyb said...

Yes, Calli, we had a great time!
We feel emboldened to take The Bean out more often now that she was such a good baby on this last trip. And if she can score a DD-L or George Clooney sighting, well, I am going to get her grafted back to my belly!

aunty J said...

this is my fourth attempt to post a comment. I had to set up another google account -- I must be doing something wrong. Yep, just call me the idiot of the blogosphere. But I refuse to give up, because I just had to remind you two things from that beautiful day. One, how people kept turning their heads to look at Roan in her baby carriage (as if to see how cute she is, or perhaps because we were just such a motley crew, unclear). And second, how our al fresco lunch was enlivened by all the people wheeling past our table with their various purchases courtesy of the Surrey Hotel liquidation sale (mattresses, lamps, dressers, sofa cushions). Gee -- didn't these people know the tony neighborhood they were in???? Anyway, suffice it to say that I'm not sure how we will be able to match that level of entertainment at Roan's second meal paying experience. Should we be worried.

P.S. that picture of her looking longingly at the basket of pastries was priceless; reminds me of her dad. :)

tiffanie said...

I love the photo of her "perusing" the menu... she is going to grow up to be a gourmand foodie like her mamma!

Brandie said...

What a lucky baby to live in such a great city where all of these things can be seen in one walk. You all look great! So wonderful to have a little window into your world.

Much love to you, D and the Bean.