Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Me and My Shadow

Well, this post is just a week-ish late. The Bean is officially just a smidge over 8 months old which means she is now officially out of the world longer than she had been in the womb. Pretty mind boggling from when the Dr. first pointed out this little flittering grey speck on the ultrasound and told me that was the baby's heart. I thought it was the computer cursor. At all of just over 4 weeks old, she already had a little working and beating heart that would be ticking along hopefully until she reaches a ripe old age, after a life filled with much adventures (no Bungee jumping, please) and happiness. And now 8 months after her big debut at NY Presbyterian, she is a lovely baby, sitting on our bed, wearing nice cozy pjs, and playing with her toes. I think back on the big trip she has been on these last 16 months, and it is amazing. From a blob to a baby. From sleeping in the dark warm womb, to now, waking up and singing and muttering softly to herself, to her just so happy to see you in the mornings, to Niagara Falls like vomiting spells after she drank her bottle much too quickly, to her playing happily with her LeapFrog muscial table, to her fast asleep w/ Pinky tucked under her arm. It has been an amazing year and 4 months and I am (as her dad) delighted she decided to finally make an appearance after so many years. She showed up at exactly the right time!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eh....What's up Doc?

Yes, The Bean is a fan of the pureed foods. In order of preference: Bananas, Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots (she is wearing it on the photo), Applesauce and like her Aunty J, she dislikes Peas. No peaches or prunes yet for her. And the one venture into the food of (half of) her people, rice cereal was met with disapproval. I guess compared to all that other sweet stuff, rice was too boring. She is a pretty good eater and is pretty good about not getting too much on herself, thanks to Aunty Miriam's bib! We can't believe she is now a regular at the dinner table.
It seemed like yesterday she was in her little swing seat, at dog/cat level. It'll be no time before she is wrestling us for the dark meats on the roasted chicken. Sigh!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot!

Look who's gone for her first ride in the swing. We had first thought she might have been alittle too wee for the swingset, but Roan proved us wrong. At just 8 days shy of her 8th month birthday, she went for her maiden voyage on the bucket swing. It was a rare 60 F degree day in February and we couldn't stay indoors. So off to the park, we went. These are the kind of days you are sort of pleased to be part of the ranks of the unemployed while everyone else is basking under the buzzing white lights of fluorescents, indoors. She had a great time, and treated us to the slightest smile. But strangely enough she was more interested in checking out the other babies on the swingseat next to her. I guess she is a pretty young baby still as after 10 minutes, she tried to stand up on the seat to let us know "Enough, let's blow this clambake!" I am sure in a few months time, she'll want to stay till the moon is out and we would be hard pressed for her to want to ever come indoors ever again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes! Knees and Toes!

And for those of you who have Fisher Price's PUPPY!
You can just about hear that song in your head, kind of catchy tune, really! Here's little Roan in her sitting lotus pose. She was busy having her toes for lunch before this picture was snapped. She's still smacking her chops.
Yum. Yum.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jean Genie

She's officially an American 7 months, she has donned on her first pair of blue jeans. And with BFF, Pinky in hand, what more does a gal need? Not much.

Those easy fit, elasticized waist band, flanneled lined jeans are just right for her. Kind of like those maternity jeans her mom hated giving up.

Can't get more patriotic than this get up...

Brooke Shields, eat your heart out!