Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille

Look who has finally managed to score two little bottom teeth. Even a few months back, she'd smile with her tongue over her gums, she is now happily hamming it up for the camera, bearing her tiny little crop of pearly whites. Yes, indeed, she is ready for her closeup. That, and her new little curly-ish head of hair, which blew in the wind when she was on the swing the other day, nearly squeezed a tear out of my eye, thinking it is only a matter of time before Pantene calls us up and asks her to be a spokesperson. The bald patch is almost gone now we will have to confess.

She actually can clap her hands, when spurred on by the Chinese cheer of "Ho Yeh!", she also knows the word for to go out "Gai gai" (literally translated to "street, street"), the word for airplane (because we live within the flight path of planes going to JFK), and tick-tock for clock. We are not sure how many more words she knows but these are the ones we figured out she knows.

And we have seen her go from oh so hating tummy time, to doing her Boomcha dance while standing on Aunty Helen's hands, to not wanting to crawl at all, to mastering the downward dog yogic pose in her crib, to crawling backwards, to actually crawling forwards (Whooo-hoo! Today!!). Hey, maybe I can finally get some help from her with stocking up her formula and diapers!

And of course, she is now so beyond the usual formula and stuff for her meals. She demands fresh baguettes from the city for her itchy little gums and who are we not to comply when it means she can actually give us 20 minutes of quiet when we eat? Sometimes our wonderful Aunty Angela even lops off the ends of her crusty Italian bread from dinner so Roan can have it.
Atkins diet, I don't think so. This girl is the Starch Queen of NYC.

And she has managed to actually like wearing shoes. And like her mom, dad, Aunty J, and Uncle Goober, she is a fan of Crocs! In her case, it is Mocs, 2 for $15 at The Children's Place, courtesy of grandma. Oh, we have come a long way since the days of her crying over her red Converses.

Well, I guess this is why I have been so delinquent in posting. It's like every day I am seeing this different kid who is mastering being a little human bean way too quickly and I am so super fascinated and awed I barely have time to get onto the computer and digest/expound on the coolness of it all. I feel like Darwin witnessing her little attempts at survival in the big wild world.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the "downward dog" pose. I'm very impressed that she can do it walking backwards and forwards. How cool! - Aunty M.

judyyb said...

Aunty M!
I thought you would like that one. :-) She is so flexible still if not alittle clumsy, the price for having rubber band bones, I guess. She basically uses her head as an anchor to move her feet along. It looks pretty painful if you ask me. Then all comes tumbling down when she ends up flopping on her belly.

Callipygia said...

Me too Judy- I actually clapped and squealed when I saw that pose, she rocks. Her tresses, pearly whites...and those Crock/mocks. She is ready- for the World, watch out!

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
:-)) are ever so supportive of RoRo's little achievements. She is so ready for the world, that grampy says when she knows how to walk, we'll all be taken to the market by her and sold. I believe it. Shoes are expensive. ;-)

Janet said...

Well, I am hopeful that in the same way she's stopped using her head as a lever to flip herself over; she will soon learn that the head is meant for thinking deep important thoughts, wearing big hats (cos I'm thinking she's going to be a big head gal) and not as a means of locomotion.

Did you tell the story of how she is making full use of her two little teeth (bottom row only)? Those two little pearly whites have been very busy: biting on her mommy, eating French baguettes and leaving little teeth marks in restaurant tables and chairs. Yep -- when we go out to eat -- she's now big enough to sit in a high chair, she likes to just lean her head down and start chewing away at the furniture.

And oh, don't forget, using it to chew on lemons. Remember that expression on her face, and the double shudder -- that was priceless!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, Mum Judy. Photo#3 really stood out (the one with the baguette). The little bean seems like she might have a talent in playing with a flute or a clarinet. Should you be thinking about "Kindermusik"??????
Auntie Connie

Horrible Horrace said...

She is growing so fast. I love the red shoes m(all of them).