Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eh....What's up Doc?

Yes, The Bean is a fan of the pureed foods. In order of preference: Bananas, Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots (she is wearing it on the photo), Applesauce and like her Aunty J, she dislikes Peas. No peaches or prunes yet for her. And the one venture into the food of (half of) her people, rice cereal was met with disapproval. I guess compared to all that other sweet stuff, rice was too boring. She is a pretty good eater and is pretty good about not getting too much on herself, thanks to Aunty Miriam's bib! We can't believe she is now a regular at the dinner table.
It seemed like yesterday she was in her little swing seat, at dog/cat level. It'll be no time before she is wrestling us for the dark meats on the roasted chicken. Sigh!


Ying said...

I think she's saying "where's the beef?!"

Hey, I heard you have a cold. rest up and drink lots of beverages!

judyyb said...

Actually she was eyeing the pink frosted valentine's day cookies her dad brought back. Tylenol is working wonders and way cheaper than cold medicine! Thx for the comment Aunty Y!

Horrible Horrace said...

Oh so Cute!

judyyb said...

Thank you, HH!
She's even more edible in person!
When are you back our way? We would love to see you! 8 months goes by pretty quickly!

Brandie said...

Yay Roan! You now get to enter the best times of your life and lucky you, your mommy is one of the best chef's I know! Miss you guys.

judyyb said...

Thanks Brandie- we totally miss YOUR dinner parties! I remember one most excellent cherry clafoutis you made. Sigh!!
That Roan's a funny one, we finally figured out she was all crochety during dinner bec. she wa the only one who was moving her lips but got nothing to eat. Once we started giving her some of Masterchef Gerber's creations, she became a happy camper!

Janet said...

We need a picture of her that accurately captures her love of the pureed food. It is so funny how much she loves it -- how she eagerly awaits each spoonful of mush. And how she doesn't care it's all over her face -- as long as she gets to eat it, it's all okay. Remember how when she first started eating, she didn't quite have the technique down, and would just be frantically licking at the spoon to get to the food. Surprising how quickly she managed to consume the babyfood notwithstanding her inferior eating style. And of course, she's now got it fully mastered now, the little cutie. It's definitely more fun at the dinner table these days huh?

judyyb said...

Hey Aunty J-
I definitely need to learn to post a video clip of her little mouth wide open technique. She is definitely not ready to dine w/ the queen yet, but, she is highly entertaining w/ her enthusiasm. And think, she is so happy just eating pureed bananas, imagine when she can go for a hot fudge sundae? Oh happy day! We fed her peas today and she had the most disappointed look and finally pushed the spoon away after 1/2 a container.