Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot!

Look who's gone for her first ride in the swing. We had first thought she might have been alittle too wee for the swingset, but Roan proved us wrong. At just 8 days shy of her 8th month birthday, she went for her maiden voyage on the bucket swing. It was a rare 60 F degree day in February and we couldn't stay indoors. So off to the park, we went. These are the kind of days you are sort of pleased to be part of the ranks of the unemployed while everyone else is basking under the buzzing white lights of fluorescents, indoors. She had a great time, and treated us to the slightest smile. But strangely enough she was more interested in checking out the other babies on the swingseat next to her. I guess she is a pretty young baby still as after 10 minutes, she tried to stand up on the seat to let us know "Enough, let's blow this clambake!" I am sure in a few months time, she'll want to stay till the moon is out and we would be hard pressed for her to want to ever come indoors ever again.


Ying said...

swing, Ro, swing! it's the closest thing to flying. that was my favorite at the playground. she is very bundled, good padding for any sudden shifting around in her seat. enjoy these non slave labor days, both of you!

judyyb said...

Awww...Aunty Ying, you are awesome. I can always count on you to leave a comment! Thank goodness you are a regular blog reader and have clearly added me to your favorites. :-) RoRo liked the swingset but I think she didn't see much difference between that and her door mounted bouncy seat...but maybe we had the wrong pusher! OK, Aunty Y, we are hitting you up for a trip to the local park and showing her what a proper swing push is, and encouraging her to take flight as an astronaut one day. How cool is that? And w/ the warmer weather we are liking being home/out more these days. Thx again!

Janet said...

She looks as happy as a clam -- wearing her little knit version of ugg boots.

I can't wait till summer -- how much fun will she have in the MV playground. Hopefully Roro will not be as clumsy as her mom was growing up. :)

judyyb said...

Yay! A comment from Aunty J!!!!!
Those are handmade boots from her Aunty Charlotte! I wish that I can score me a pair of size 7's. :-)
It was so nice taking her out on that one nice day last week! It really does make me wish it was Spring already!!! But a few more months of indoors and then, we'll never come indoors until after Labor Day! And yes, no running and spinning for Roan. I don't want her following my footsteps at Elmhurst General. And she is also not allowed to slide on her knees down the slider like her equally clumsy Aunty J. I dont want her to look as scary as you did with your face all covered in neon red iodine.

Janet said...

Well, let's hope Roan got the graceful gene from the Brown side of the family. Though I think she's already bonked her head on the interior home swing (so .... maybe not).

Unknown said...

Woohoo - it's the Cyclone next!

judyyb said...

Aunty J-
We are soooo totally are going to dump that swing thing, because we can't risk her clunking her big head on the door jamb. But oh, you should see how she can cha cha cha these days. The beautiful little hand gestures.

judyyb said...

Hey Daddy-O!
About durn time. :-)
And well, this mommy's been on the Cyclone and nearly did not live to tell, so we will let you make the introductions.