Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Close and Yet So Far....

A picture is worth a thousand words. We baked
some cookies tonight. And well, The Bean thought this is definitely something interesting.

She reaches out and just about snags a cookie
with her lightspeed reflexes.
But much to her sadness, mommy's reach was quicker
and she is denied some very tasty cookies. Needless to
say, she cries and cries and cries till nothing but....
her binky could console her.
Daddy teases her with one cookie, just for her
to hold and taste.

But after one too many crumbs fall onto the floor,
Daddy decides perhaps her green frog gel teether
may be better. But she is not fooled.
He then presents with her favorite remote. And
she decides, well, this isn't half bad.
And she chomps on her remote while the rest of us
gorge ourselves on some tasty chocolate oatmeal cranberry
pecan cookies. Poor little girl.
We'll have some price to pay for inflicting such cruelty on her nibs.


Ying said...

wow... just as I was commenting on the last submish, a new posting went up!

I was on the edge of my seat as to what would happen next... excitement around every corner! those are my favorite cookies of yours! poor RoRo. you guys are cruel. putting a plate of those right in front of her and then trying to substitute with a binky? I'm calling social services.

judyyb said...

Ah, Aunty Ying, this EBlogger website is alittle hard to format, hence, new posting at every turn. What you see on the window is not what you get and I have to constantly refresh. :-) If you do one picture, that is no problem but when you do more, it is really a pain to format. Sis came over for dinner and we all sat around and said, seems like a good day to make some cookies and we took a vote and yupper, we went for the ol' standby. :-) We are cruel peeps, eh? No wonder she didnt seem to want to eat her squash this evening. :-)

Brandie said...

This is my favorite and saddest post yet. Who can blame her for wanting them? And then the temptation of "just holding one"? Cruel. I'd like to see photo sequences of someone doing the same to each of you after a day of pureed food and powdered milk. I bet it would look pretty similar.

On the up side, she's even cute when she's upset!

Callipygia said...

that is the saddest thing, her licking the remote... Oh what joys she will have when she finally discovers the COOKIE. Sigh- I'm still overjoyed to think of em.

judyyb said...

Autny Brandie-
You are right, we should not have teased her so, we were just so astounded over her lightning fast reflexes. I just wanted to pose her w/ the cookies and her bottle and she totally one upped me. :-)
She is a piggy pig, and loves meal time....when i asked Dr Smith, her pediatrician (this guy who really should be a standup comic), what should she eat in the up coming months, he said pizza. (seriously he said, for teething...)but so far, she has a very healthy diet and enjoys simple foods like bananas and carrots. If we can all be so good.

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
You are so right, it was so pathetic that of course, you know I had to pull out the camera.
She does love that remote tho'. her Aunty J has called it her BFF, Motey. And anytime she is in a funk, that remote lifts her spirits and we are so happy to have the krytonite of baby toys to silence her cries. And yes, oh, happy day when she can chomp down on a cookie or 2 or 3. Then daddy-o will have to be alittle more competitive.

Unknown said...

OMG! This post with the stages of photos had me so captivated! I was crying and laughing with Roan! Oh Judy, do you have a camera with you at all times? Your photos are fantastic and your writing is wonderful. You are so talented at capturing a day in the life of Roan!

Anonymous said...

Judy, I recognize these looks. It is exactly how Roan looked on Saturday when she saw the fried chicken and that devastated expression is the same as the one she sported when you took that bagel back from her. She is going to be one happy camper when she gets to eat real food.

judyyb said...

Aunty Roz-
Thank you for your ever so kind comments, and yes, I do carry my camera at all times..actually I had that camera grafted onto my hand after delivery....because you never know when that moment will be there and you need to immortalize it. I think Roan will need to go into therapy about flashing orange lights followed by a Flash!

judyyb said...

Oh Golden Lady!
That child is indeed born in the year of the rat, no food can be consumed without her sniffing it out. I am glad that you were able to see her look of total sadness when she was not allowed to eat our big people food, it is sort of entertaining, huh? Today I gave her another big wedge of navel orange and in one week, she made such scary and tremendous progress, I cant give her anymore. She took a big bite with the strength of her gums alone and this floppy piece of orange was in her mouth and she didnt yield and I was so scared she'd choke. So lesson learnt, she is sticking to pureed foods or pizza crusts as per Dr Smith.