Wednesday, March 4, 2009

These Booties Were Made For Walking

The Bean looks alittle like the Sphinx these days while doing her tummy time exercises. She doesn't get much mileage with her technique but she is sure fun to look at, rolling around the floor like some fleshy human Roomba picking up dust with her tongue. Grandpa is not very willing to let her down on the living room floor for fear of all the dirt and contaminants from the "outside world". So, she can only have her fledging attempts at being a biped on the bed or at the yoga mat length of available floor in the little lair. Fingers crossed that even with such limited floor time, she will learn to walk some day. We're not in any rush, since it is such fun watching her roll around on the floor.

However, the Bean finds the waiting unbearable and her wails at times can be heartbreaking. Maybe because she knows mommy is too cheap to buy her any shoes until she can walk. And she is so ready for her first shoes with actual soles.


Ying said...

FI-NAL-LY. Yes, us TinyTerra fans are not very patient. tap, tap, tap...of my fingers.

Good to see the bean on the floor. It's good for them... where's that "dirt is good for children" article.

Only RoRo can still be cute even when wailing...

Goober said...

Eating crap of the floor is definitely a great way to build up antibodies. You might just pick up the lead paint chips before you put her down. Oh- does she do baseboards? It's so hard to get good help these days, even with the economy in the tank...

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying! Well, that makes one of youts, then. ;-) Hehe....As much as I think she is so darn fascinating and cute, I am not sure about 90% of the other population who wants to know of her every burp, gas and meal.
See, we take the advice of Aunty Ying very seriously. When she starts to shop for those Ferragamo loafers, we'll know who to thank for teaching her to walk in style.

judyyb said...

Hey UncleG! Thanks for commenting!
Leave it to you to provide the much needed sass in the comment section. :-)You know, I saw some moldy walls today, so maybe we can get her to work on those given how little she is, she can reach those hard to reach places. She is available for rental you know! Will work for formula. ;-)

Callipygia said...

Yeah keep her on the yoga mat as long as possible. Once she gets a walking, momma is gonna be a running!

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
I am afraid....very afraid of that day!!! Between her smarts and speed, I'll be left in the dust.