Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Me and My Shadow

Well, this post is just a week-ish late. The Bean is officially just a smidge over 8 months old which means she is now officially out of the world longer than she had been in the womb. Pretty mind boggling from when the Dr. first pointed out this little flittering grey speck on the ultrasound and told me that was the baby's heart. I thought it was the computer cursor. At all of just over 4 weeks old, she already had a little working and beating heart that would be ticking along hopefully until she reaches a ripe old age, after a life filled with much adventures (no Bungee jumping, please) and happiness. And now 8 months after her big debut at NY Presbyterian, she is a lovely baby, sitting on our bed, wearing nice cozy pjs, and playing with her toes. I think back on the big trip she has been on these last 16 months, and it is amazing. From a blob to a baby. From sleeping in the dark warm womb, to now, waking up and singing and muttering softly to herself, to her just so happy to see you in the mornings, to Niagara Falls like vomiting spells after she drank her bottle much too quickly, to her playing happily with her LeapFrog muscial table, to her fast asleep w/ Pinky tucked under her arm. It has been an amazing year and 4 months and I am (as her dad) delighted she decided to finally make an appearance after so many years. She showed up at exactly the right time!


Ying said...

Can you please post a photo of Roan with her nose the grindstone? This photo epitomizes how I like to spend my free time. in PJs, sitting down (sitting and lying down) on a bed. the only difference is i'd probably would not be frowning... so when will we celebrate her 8 month birthday?

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying!
The word "Grindstone" is not in her consciousness....aren't we all green w/ envy. :-) And agreed, that child is not as bright as I had once thought if she is frowning while she is living the life of Riley. If only we can send you back in the time'd know how to whoop it up. Her 8th month birthday was last Thursday...and as a treat, we are going to the park to the swings! Wheee.

Janet said...

Little RoRo looks like she's in serious couch potato training. Hm, wonder who she is learning that from -- surely, not from pointy butt mommy, but perhaps buns of steel daddy???

It is amazing that Roan is eight months plus now. She's gone from adorable but quiescent delicate little baby that you can hold in one arm, to this little creature (who at 15 lbs, starting to get a little heavy) with her own personality, likes and dislikes. And I'm telling you -- any day now she's going to start talking. She's already saying "meh meh." Soon, it's going to be "Ma Ma, I want my sweet potato and when can we go on the swings!!!"

judyyb said...

Hey Aunty Janet-
Look at you go w/ the comments! Love it. Love it! :-) Yeah, that is some serious hunkering down look she has doesnt she? She is totally a couch potato, I do have to turn her face away from the tv so she is not completely hypnotized by it. And you are right, her ability to sit so still definitely is a DB trait, who can drive from Roanoke , VA to NYC in a day w/ hardly 1 bathroom break.
I am getting whiplash from how fast time is flying by w/ her. It seemed about 3 months from when we brought her home, huh? Wow, hard to believe we went thru July 4, Labor Day, Halloween, Our respective birthdays, Thanksgiving, Xmas, DB's BD, New Years, Valentine's, President's Day, Ash Wed.,.....well, you are right by next week, she'll be telling me what for. Yikes!

Callipygia said...

Definitely worthy of celebration. It is so hard to believe that she sits there in full self-ness. It has been a long time coming and I'm so glad she is finally here!

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
It is crazy to see her go from a sleeping blob with a loppy head to this amazing little smart aleck in cool pjs just sitting up and checking out the world. I'll look up next week and see that she is in college.