Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Big Sleep

Saturday marks The Bean's 9th month anniversary. And I just had to dig out the picture of when she was still laying in the bed at NY Presbyterian with all her luggage tags, and hospital issued strait jacket and oversized newborn diapers still on and then one from this morning, with big girl clothes, white frilly socks and binky in place. Big difference...well, clearly her size these days, even as the dr said she was in the 50% in weight (15 lbs 8 oz) and 10% in height (27 1/4")...umm..duh (with us shorties as parents). The other big difference, these days, she prefers to sleep on her side, like some of us grownups. It is strange to see her now struggling to find a comfortable pose to sleep in. Who is this mini person who tosses and turns and looks like she is dreaming of far away lands of endless jars of BeechNut banana puree and a well of eternally available binkies?


Callipygia said...

9 mths graduated from her alma mater NY Pres! One can only imagine what she dreams about, probably those cookies...

judyyb said...

Aunty Star-
I know, crazy, huh? 9 months?? She is still such a wee baby but when I take that pic of her at the hospital and then one of her the other day, it is such an amazing transformation. Sometimes she still curls up with her head tucked under her toes on my belly and it seems like she wants to go back. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and remember how it was like to have her around.

Brandie said...

Looking at that top pic makes me soooo sleepy. I honestly believe that there's no better sleep than a nap next to your sleeping baby. So peaceful and you seem to feed off each others breathing.

Happy 9 months Roan!

judyyb said...

Aunty Brandie-
I totally agree with you....she is more cuddlier than any kitty cat and that warm sleepy baby smell is just lovely. They should bottle it.
:-) And you are so right about feeding off each other's breathing, if I am peaceful and relaxed she just drifts off in nanoseconds...but if I had just watched the news and am anxious, she is tossing and turning. So, I do refer to her as my little shadow some days.

Janet said...

Wow, what a difference nine months make, especially in those little (or not so little any more) legs of hers. Doesn't she look so different -- and what's up with that strait jacket outfit.

I'm feeling a little sleepy myself today, so am definitely jealous of napping RoRo. Sometimes I see she's sleeping with her hands open, like she's getting ready to do her little hand wave even in her sleep.

Ying said...

nine months! just think, you could be about to push out another little bean! tee hee hee... can you imagine! :)

I don't think I've ever seen a baby sleep on his/her side. I guess she'll be crawling in no time... better get the house baby proofed!

sweetie pie... i wonder if a binky could make me calmer at work...

judyyb said...

Aunty J-
I know! From blob to baby in 270 days. Amazing. I am getting whip lash just thinking of the amazing trip she has been on. Those legs are definitely not chicken legs anymore. They are nice and chunky! And the strait jacket is the standard issue uniform at NYP for all newborns. I look at it now and can't believe she actually was too tiny for it when she first came out. Her little hands are hysterical when she sleeps bec. she is always clutching her schmada, for the touch of the Victorian as she wipes the little beads of sweat from her forehead.

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying- I know, scary but true, a whole other bean could have been in the oven the whole time in the time she has been out! Crazy. No thank you, for now, she is enough work at this point. I still can't believe the OctoMom.
And yes, sleeping on one's side is a very precocious thing, huh? I am waiting for her to start fighting us for the remote....oh yeah, she does that already! And she would definitely say Aunty Ying, a binky is the best thing EVER...better than Ferragamos, Longchamps and dinners out! :-) And oh so affordable.