Monday, March 30, 2009

Manaolo Blahniks or Bust

Well, these are officially the Bean's first pair of "shoes". I don't think I spent as much time deciding on shoes for my feet. But for her, thankfully, I had help from Aunty Ying, who looked for the right size, made sure the box contained both right and left shoe (we didn't want her being traumatized and wearing two left shoes which would have very well happened if left to my own devices), the proper shoe construction (Aunty Y scoffed at the Robeez loafers- flimsy she thought given how expensive it was, true.), practicality factor (Aunty Y suggested to go w/ the velcro straps but me being shallow wanted a happy color and the velcro ones only came in black), and value. But at last we chose the Converse All Stars in Red, for the Bean's first shoe. The cheapee in me was defeated and I did not wait till she was able to walk to get her shoes. Dr. Smith suggested the old Italian tradition of having whoever discovered her first tooth to buy her her first shoes....and told me to pretend to see nothing. Well, in true mommy fashion, I bought them 3 sizes too big, but what the heck, she can wear them for awhile. Now, not only is she wearing a jacket 2 sizes too big, she is now wearing big sneakers that makes her looks like she has clown feet. Ah well, all for the sake of being economical. The times we are living in.

Of course, the Bean wished she had gotten more girly shoes...and threw a bit of a tantrum. Or was it that she was so horrified at her softy little toes being forced into these hard canvas numbers? Well, I guess it is nothing like foot binding, as Aunty Y and I reminisced. True.

Eventually she got over it and is now sort of a fan of her little sneakers. Oh the things we will have to teach tying her shoelaces. Well, who will do that depends strictly on whether she is a lefty or a righty.


Janet said...

They look soooooo HUGE on her!!! You couldn't tell in the first picture, but in the other two, it just cracked me up. Well, she did look a little sad Saturday when we took her to the park, and she just had her little feet dangling in pink socks, and no sturdy footwear in sight. Though of course she didn't mind when she got on that swing and started gurgling with laughter. And of course you certainly won't let her into the sandpit without shoes. Oh wait, I'm sorry -- we're never letting her into that sand pit. :)
I love the converse -- they will look very smart with jeans. But you know what will be even cuter -- when the weather gets warmer, and she gets to put her fat little feet into sandals!!!!

judyyb said...

Whoa! Aunty J, you have whooped Aunty Y off the pedestal of speediness...she is prob. cramming for her book club and has no time to surf! :-)
The sneakers are way huge on her, there is an extra 1" for her to ghrow into. By my calculations, she should still be able to wear these sneakers when she is 2. ;-) And it was totally the shoeless state this weekend that made me break down. When mom and I took her to the market, we saw her kicking her little feet in the air like she was admiring her new shoes. It was very cute. And YOU are right, she is never going into that sand pit. Yuck. We really would have to hose her down or put her in a Dexter-like apron and face mask. And definitely looking forward to her chubby little toes in sandals....edible!

Ying said...

Roan the hobbit. we totally overestimated the size of RoRo's feet. Nevertheless, I'm a fan of converse on kids too. Especially with dresses and skirts. sporty yet girly.

I think she's wailing from the embarassment of it all. the bottoms are so stable, it should be ok if it's 2 sizes too big :)

Auntie Connie said...

oh, sooooo chic! I'm a converse wearer for so many years but found out it gives me back problems (too flat and no arch support). So, my advice is: better stick with Nike for Ro Ro:0)

Callipygia said...

These are great photos and I love the red converse selection (with the striped socks). Poor honey, I can imagine her feet now feel like canvas ensconced flippers.

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying-
Thankfully RoRo does not have furry feet, or sandals would definitely be out of the picture.
I'll have to get her a little pair of denim skirt to match w/ her sneakers....a la Aunty Y's suggestion, to clarify that she is a wee girl. I was on the bus today and everyone thought she was a boy except for a little ol' man who said "You have the prettiest brown eyes" to her. It was cute.

judyyb said...

Aunty Connie-
Not only are you stylin' but practical too!! Thank you for your very good advice and MommaJ will definitely heed it and shell out more dough to make sure her little softy feet will remain that and her back straight. Meanwhile, give those Pumas a try. :-) They are very comfy, in my opinion. And stylish.

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
Ooohh....such proper analogy, she did make it like I was trying to trap her little flippers. She can barely tolerate socks, so I can't imagine how those sneakers must feel to her baby fatty feet.

Jacob said...

Oh MAN she is cute!!!!! Can't wait to meet up for a playdate someday!

judyyb said...

Uncle Jake-
You tease us so. :-) Now that you are in NZ and we'd have to fly a gazillion hours to meet up w/ Josie and Sophie. Sounds like your girls definitely know the prettiest places for a playdate, those last batch of pics of the coast are unbelievable!

Brandie said...

I love those red cons! But I will defend the integrity of the Robeez. We've had multiple pairs and they hold up great. So good for little feet and I've put them through the washer on cold and line dried them with great success. If you feel like taking a trip to our storage unit, I'm sure you could find a pair or two. :)

Unknown said...

I'm very jealous of Roan's new shoes! I have yet to buy my first pair of Converse. They are very popular among my LA students! You are a wonderful mommy! I still cry when I have to wear shoes. If only I could go through life barefoot all the time! That would be heaven!!

tiffanie said...

I can only imagine (as I don't actually remember) that the first time must feel a bit like a horse being shoe'd. All that extra weight down there, but better to keep your center of gravity :-) I like the red converse. They say "I am one smart, savvy urban babe. So don't even go there. (Fuggedaboutit.)"

judyyb said...

Aunty Brandie-
After your hearty endorsement of those Robeez, I am ready to give it another try (spied a pair of cute ones in blue w/ aliens on them), since she is still not loving the clunky converse. She is so not hip at this point yet. :-)

judyyb said...

Aunty Rosalyn-
Roan is definitely in agreement w/ you about too bad not being able to go barefootin' one's entire life...spoken like a true island girl. She finds that she always has a snack on foot, when she has no socks/shoes on. Calorie free and yummy!

judyyb said...

Aunty Tiff-
You betcha. That is one smart little savvy urban gal! And you are right about it prob. feels like being horse-shoed. Poor baby.
You should see/feel her perfectly smooth feet! It is jealousy-inducing.