Thursday, March 12, 2009

Purty please

Purty please with sugar on top.
Post a comment or two. It is just too sad writing stuff and not knowing who has been visiting or checking out The Bean's little world. Of course, this request is not directed at Quick Draw McDraw, Aunty Ying and her not quite so speedy to reply Aunty J but who makes up with more words per line. I didn't know there was a setting to uncheck until now that you can post comments Anonymously or as someone who doesn't have a Gmail account.
We need our audience. ;-)
Thank you.

PS Posted the most pathetic picture of The Bean looking sad.


Janet said...

How is this for speedy??? That is one sad picture of little RoRo. But since I was there, I know for a fact that's cos she was so sleepy that day. Even being out on the swings in the park wasn't enough to bring a smile to that cute little face.

And speaking of commenting, can somebody with more computer skills tell me how it is I can comment without having to re-sign up for a Google account everytime. Clearly, I'm not doing something right.

But back to the Bean -- I'm just amazed at how quickly she is growing. Not as big as her new giant friend, but darn -- it seems like every time I see her, she's doing something new. But my favorite thing about her -- her smiles -- they really are something special, and I'm not biased or anything!!!

Okay, better get back to salt mines (uhm), I meant work of course.

Hugs, Aunty J

P.S. Oh yes, I've decided now that in each of my postings, I'm going to tell my own little RoRo story (sort of ala Little Ming). So my story of the day is how I was feeding RoRo this weekend her little jar of peaches and she started crying, and I just kept feeding her, and how every time she opened her mouth to cry, I'd just put a spoonful more peaches into her, and she would just keep eating and crying. And finally Duncan picked her up to see why she was crying and it turned out she had very dirty diapers. So poor little thing -- I was feeding her while she was pretty uncomfortable. But the little trooper -- it didn't stop her from eating. And she didn't hold it against me, cos later that day, she gave me the biggest smile.

betty said...

What great photos of Roan. You will have PLENTY for blackmail collateral("Take out the garbage NOW!") and photo albums to haul out when her prom date shows up.

Dare I say that we have found someone "cuter than Janet Yeung" as a baby ? Once she gets an onion-head do, Janet must officially relinquish her extra-large crown on a day filled with gala festivities and fine foodstuffs.

Anonymous said...

Judy, I read EVERY single post that you make and looove seeing the pics and feeling that I'm somehow (remotely) participating and watching Bean grow and grow. Thank you for keeping this blog. Can't wait to see you soon. Love, Paul

judyyb said...

Aunty J-
Dang! You beat Aunty Ying to the punch today but she had in fact, sent me an email saying she actually couldn't comment bec. of her work firewall.... :-) I am busted, using RoRo's sad sleepy face to help my sad plea for more comments. I am shameless....and glad she was able to wrangle ya'll in. And we will work on that log in of yours, you must have 30 gmail accounts by now. Hehe.

judyyb said...

Aunty J-
It is a testament to RoRo's priorities...she can eat at the same time she poops. How many of us can claim that level of multitasking, altho' it does make her a perfect candidate for living in cramped NYC quarters.

judyyb said...

Aunty Betty-
You are sure right about having plenty of ammo to blackmail Roan w/ ...but I think one thing will not be possible. To have Aunty J relinquish her title as CBPP&F (Cutest baby past, present and future). She hasn't yielded in 8 plus months and I am sure once Roan gets bigger, the bell curve of cuteness may tip back in Aunty J's favor. But thanks for the support!

judyyb said...

Awwwww...Uncle Paul!!!!
I am so glad you have been checking in! We still have fond memories of hanging out w/ you in the Fall, and having a most delicious lunch at Empire diner. It has definitely been too long between visits, name the date, and we are ready to bust out our cookbooks and cook something yummy for you!!! And followed up by a stint at the park- there are those wonderful swings, Roan adores.
Thanks for succumbing to our pitiful pleas for comments.

Jacob said...

She is just gorgeous!!! Thank you guys for giving us a little glimpse into her world - we love it!

judyyb said...

Hey Jake!
Thank you for your kind compliment of Roan (even as this is a sort of pity ploy picture of her looking downtrodden). But we'll take any compliments we can get esp. from a guy who knows "gorgeous!" with your gorgeous wife and gals! :-)
We love your website, so multi dimensional- travelogue, family diary, recipes, photos... and now that you are so far away, we feel so happy to have these bloggy worlds to see how you are!

Ying said...

Don't worry, don't be sad, Ro. Spring is right around the corner... AND EVERYBODY loves you. what more could you ask for?

Callipygia said...

We all need to master that face, indeed we would get everything we want- perhaps more! Now that my computer is up...I'll be sure to leave comments too.

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying-
:-) I hope you are right- this snow business is not fun! And well, as for everyone loving RoRo, well, that's one biased aunty! ;-)
Altho' a little 2 yr old boy we sat next to on the bus said to his mom "That baby is a cutie." I thought he was too cute myself, should have taken his number for future dates.

judyyb said...

Thank you, Aunty Starfish!!
And yes, Roan is available for seminars to train anyone in that pouty pathetic face to turn anyone into putty with just one look. :-)
And glad you have a new souped up pc and we await your witty and fun comments.

Unknown said...

Ok, I've been one of the guilty ones enjoying all the blog posts and not making time to write a comment. But that sad picture of Roan finally did me in! Keep the posts coming! Love them!!

judyyb said...

Aunty Ros-
Hey, you know I had to pull out the pathetic punches to solicit some comments! :-) Glad you have been enjoying the posts! Acc to Aunty J (my sis) she said it was really hard to signup/comment. She thinks she has like 5 gmail accounts by no worries.
I hope it is easier now that I unchecked that Anonymous button. But your comments are always appreciated...