Friday, March 13, 2009

Sail Away, Sail Away

That Grandma Brown is a smart one. Her technique of leaving Roan in a dry bathtub has been a real help when I need to do some baby-free activity like posting a blog, or emailing.

The Bean now sits up contently for 10 minutes at a time and with all her favorite toys on board, she is sailing to all sorts of wonderful destinations...all on a plastic bathtub and on hardwood floors.
Sort of like her dad when he was a wee boy, sailing with the sea scouts on the North Sea. Oh, the adventures she will hopefully have.


Ying said...

Alright, RoRo! Your mommy took you off the bed. I understand your preference for the bed. I've always said, "why sit up when you can lie down?"

Hey Judy, how 'bout a video? the tinyterra fans are giving feedback...

Callipygia said...

The Sea Scouts! that sure beats cubscouts/or brownies. I think the red print thingie behind her head looks like a fab showercap. And you need to rig up some casters on that baby (the tub, that is).

tiffanie said...

Hey Little Brown Bean! I have been very neglectful of your blog but I promise to be a regular reader and commentator. Today I was making an Italian version of huevos rancheros in cute little ramekins (recipe from a food magazine I was forced to buy with some of my frequent flyer miles, lest they ALL expire) and I thought about your mummy and wondered if she would like it. :-)

Janet said...

Remember the days when RoRo was so little she would slide right out of that seat in the tub, and you had to tuck a big ole towel under her to keep her sort of wedged in. And now, she's sitting up, playing with her best friends Moty (defunct remote control)and Topper (bottle cap). And of course it is just a matter of time before her new friends, the little cars that Duncan (yes, he doesn't believe in gender specific toys -- girls should play with cars too) just got her will be in the tub with her. She's already figured out that you can roll the cars (though she doesn't always manage to do it with the wheels on the ground). And she is looking a little mischievious in that photo so mama, you better be careful when she can scamper herself out of that tub. Remember those days when you can put her on the bed and not worry about her. Now we get to watch her little gyrations as she uses her head as a levering point to flip herself onto her stomach. Looks kind of painful but it works!!! Can't believe her nine month birthday is coming up in three short days!!!

judyyb said...

Aunty Ying!
She is now able to sit upright, unassisted so the options are way more now for photo ops! :-) She was always "timber-ing" accidentally and the bed was a nice safety feature.
You know, I tried loading a video and the website would time out....and lock up. I need to bring the resident IT expert to check things out. :-)

judyyb said...

Aunty Starfish-
That's exactly what her dad says, altho' I thought from the sound of some of their adventures, I am not sure I'd let my 10 year old go off sailing in the sea by himself...that's when the seal came and rescued him and his mates and steered them back to the shore. She is loving her tub these days and she wishes for casters, a rocket booster, a sun canopy.....a radio.....

judyyb said...

Aunty Tiff! Love the little caricature of you! I can see the likeness for sure! No need to apologize for neglecting her blog, only after the new year did I post regularly. This kid business is busy! It's great to hear from you and when ever you feel like visiting and commenting, it is always a joy! And why, Yes! I love the idea of an Italian Huevo Ranchero...look at all this free time, it is turning you into a chef-extraordinaire. Bravo!

judyyb said...

Aunty J-
Oh yes, I do remember those good ol' days when she would stay put. These days, she needs to be constantly entertained and watched like a prisoner at San Quentin. Altho' given her new mobility, she is a joy to watch, rolling about, sitting up, trying to do the boom-cha dance....and playing with all her fun new toys! Moty is a fav, we dont go anywhere w/o it!!!
I actually let her play w/ my big button PM calculator and she was in an absolute frenzy w/ the buttons. Sigh! Has it been 9 months since she made an appearance? Wow.